Crate mathml_core

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MathML core types

This package contains the core types for MathML.


  • Helper functions for MathML Core.


  • The <merror> element is used to display contents as error messages.
  • The <mfenced> element provides the possibility to add custom opening and closing parentheses and separators to an expression.
  • The <mfrac> element is used to display fractions.
  • Mark a function with arguments.
  • The <mi> element indicates that the content should be rendered as an identifier such as function names, variables or symbolic constants.
  • The <mmultiscripts> element is used to attach an arbitrary number of subscripts and superscripts to an expression at once
  • The <mn> element represents a numeric literal which is normally a sequence of digits with a possible separator, such as a dot or a comma.
  • The <mo> element represents an operator in a broad sense.
  • The <mphantom> element is rendered invisibly, but dimensions such as height, width, and baseline position, are still kept.
  • The <math> element is the top-level MathML element, used to write a single mathematical formula.
  • The <mrow> element is used to group sub-expressions, which usually contain one or more operators with their respective operands, such as <mi> and <mn>.
  • The <mspace> element is used to display a blank space, whose size is set by its attributes.
  • The <mroot> or <msqrt> element is used to display roots with an explicit index.
  • The <mspace> element is used to insert space characters into a mathematical formula.
  • The <mtable> element allows you to create tables or matrices.
  • The <mtext> element is used to display text in a math formula.
  • The <munderover> element is used to attach accents or limits both under and over an expression.

